Thursday, August 29, 2019

She Believed She Could So She Did

I have never been so compelled to write a blog post, but as I lie here in my bed, after climbing Volcan Pacaya, I am overwhelmed with gratitude and humility. 

Let me explain…

Many people know that I’ve had my share of struggles in life, but the struggles I have faced have just made the joys better.

It’s 10:30 here, as I sit in my bed, and I just got back from climbing a VOLCANO.  When we set out on this excursion, we thought, “what a cool experience this will be!” For the others in my group, this fun-filled excursion was just that, but for me, it was unexpectedly so much more…

We got to the start place around 3:45 PM and immediately getting out of the car, people asked us if we wanted a horse to take us up the volano for 200 Q, $30.  Honestly, yes…I did.  I wanted every bit of that horse to take me up the mountain, but $30 is over half of my weekly stipend, and the excursion already cost $25, So I thought, “How difficult could this be..?”  Very fricken difficult. 

I certainly slowed the group down as we climbed.  As the muscles in my legs burned, as ,my right leg froze up time after time, and as I wondered how much further until a break, I wanted to quit. So many times,  I wanted to take a break.  I wanted to get on a horse. I didn’t know if I could do it.

However, I persisted.

I watched my steps and thought to myself, “One step at a time.  I can do this.”  I didn’t ask how much longer because I was afraid of the answer.  Covered in sweat, I told myself, “One step at a time.”
Over an hour later, the most wonderful thing happened…we reached the dried lava rocks. We were close! However, this posed another hurdle.  It was so easy to slip. A few minutes into the hills and bounds of lava rocks, as my fatigued right leg shook, I fell and hit the sharp, cooled lava stones.  As I hit these stones, I was met by the hand of another…a man (maybe 30 y/o) who had seen me struggling on the way up reached out his hand to me, and in broken English, smiled and said to me, “We will do this together.” We walked sliding and slipping through the slick gravel-like hills, and then we hit a BIG hill!  That’s when his friend grabbed my other hand and said, “You can do this.”  Together we climbed through the stones and made it to a landing point.  I thanked the men whole-heartedly, and we parted ways. 

Next decision…Whether or not to attempt the part over molten lava, with sharp larger hot lava rocks.  My initial reaction was, “Heck no!” because it sounded like a nightmare.  But I persisted on because I figured I it’s better to try and fail than not to try…That’s when another beautiful thing happened.  Our tour guide, Mono, took my arm and said to me (In Spanish), “We can do this…I’ll help you.”  He and I jumped and climbed lava rocks (hand in hand) with skin-searing heat coming from the orange liquid lava underneath.  We climbed nearly 15 minutes (very slowly walking), and BAM there it was!  Orange liquid rock-not underneath, but right next to us.  The liquified rock was falling slowly, melting into the solidified lava rocks. 

That’s when I took the marshmallows out of my back pack.  I had bought these marshmallows (called “angelitas” in Spanish) this morning on my walk to school, just in case we had an opportunity to roast mallows, and here it was…the chance!  Mono brought a stick and we roasted marsh mallows over molten lava.  They actually caught fire next to the lava-Crazy! By this time, the sun was setting, which turned out to be so beautiful. After a few pictures and delicious smores, we started the decline. 

That was another adventure, with much slipping and a man on each arm on the way down.  But I was just filled with so so so much gratitude…I just climbed a fricken mountain.  Yes, it was terribly hard, and I probably won’t do it again…but I don’t need to.  Because I persisted and I did it.  I didn’t take any short cuts.  I endured pain, and humbling humanity, and I did it-with the help of my brothers and sisters in Christ.

We got to the end of the hike, and it was hours later than we should have returned, but my friends were so supportive.  Hungry, but supportive.

What beauty…the support from my team, as one held a light for me on the way down the hill.  Two stuck back with me as I struggled up the mountain, supporting me as I was telling myself I couldn’t go any further.  And others took plenty of pictures of us.  Everyone played a part.

This evening was a beautiful reminder of the love that surrounds me, through the trials that I face.  Reflecting on the immense support I have had from my family, friends, neighbors, and everyone in between.  That support has come in many shapes and forms, like an environmental services woman (that I had never met before) at work asking my story/mission while we were stripping a room, and then she gave me a big hug and a few dollars to support my fundraising.  It also looks like a visit from far away, support of my fundraising, a hug and smile, and now the men who held my hands while I climbed a volcano.  My mission is to achieve and spread love, and I am able to do that because YOU have taught me to love…and so I thank you! 

 Not long before the guy grabbed my hand.

Standing about 15 feet from liquid rock, falling like pudding.

Roasting marshmallows heated by lava!

Nice burn on those mallows.

My team!  Monos!

Beautiful sunset.

Grupo son nuestra guia, Mono.


  1. Soooo sooo awesome! And so beautiful!! Jeffrey and I hiked that volcano before...and it is no joke! You go girlfriend! Keep spreading your light and love <3

    1. Thank you, Adri!! Darn right it's no joke! I miss you guys!

  2. Bravo Marisa! you set an AMAZING example!xo

  3. Así se hace Marisa! Eres la mujer Increíble. Amor Tio Guillermo.

  4. Marisa, what a beautiful story. Thanks for sharing, hope there are more to come.

  5. You are incredible!! I had a good cry reading your story. Wow, physical therapy just got a lot easier with your inspiration. Xo
